Print in black ink on rice paper depicting a whale hunt in a bay, with two whales, one larger and one smaller, and many whaleboats manned by outlined figures. The whaleboats are forming a perimeter around the whales, using a chain of floats to help enclose them. Mountains with pine trees and houses in the foreground and across the bay. Labels in Japanese give geographic identifiers. A fanciful bird-like creature in top right corner. Along the right edge, a block of text, with the title (in kanji, large characters, and kana, small characters, to give the pronunciation of the kanji) to the left of the text box. With a number given in red ink and large characters at far right: "8 of a group of 35". The artist signature does not appear on this print, although it may appear elsewhere in the series.
The style identifies this work as a didactic print, as opposed to an art print.

Hart Nautical
ink; rice paper
13 in x 17 3/4 in