
A port-side view of the French, iron paddle steamer the 'Napol̩on' going over wave. She leans on her starboard side exposing the red paddles of the lower half of the paddle wheel. She flies the American and French flag as she was originally made for passages between the northern coast of France and New York City. The print depicts the vessel before it was converted into a single propeller steamship in 1871 and renamed SS 'Ville du Havre.' A small two-masted, American vessel sails close to the paddle steamer in the left foreground. The text in the margin notes that this is plate 25 and it is signed by the artist in the plate.

ship portraits
Hart Nautical
Sinnett, F.; Breton, Louis Le; Becquet
ink; pigment; paper
16 in x 20 1/4 in
France: Paris