
Colored engraving depicting members of the Delphina. Top, labeled "1", a spouting porpoise, with sharp triangular teeth. Below, labeled "2", a dolphin, spouting, with a pointed beak, and tubes extending out of its underside to surround a young dolphin, drawn as a fish upside down. The colorist has imbued the mother dolphin with rainbow hues, perhaps as an attempt to render an iridescent appearance. Below, labeled "3", a grampus with black and white spots, spouting, with jagged teeth. All of the animals have a distinctly fishlike appearance. Under them are printed the artist attribution and the caption:"1, The Porpoise. 2, The Female Dolphin Casting her Young. 3, The Orca or Grampus. London Published as the Act directs May 21, 1803 by J. Wilkes."

Hart Nautical
Chapman, J.; Wilkes, J.
ink; paper; color wash
11 in x 8 1/4 in
Britain: London