
Black and white diagram engraving of species and parts of whales. Depicted are: (1) sideview of a Northcaper whale and its open mouth; (2) Northcaper whale, represented to show the parts of its head and body that come out when it sings. Lettered with captions and "1. Baleine Nordcaper, Vue par c̫t̩, et la bouche entrouverte. 2. Baleine Nordcaper, R̩present̩e de mani̬re a montrer les parties de sa t̻te et de son corps qui song hors de l'eau, lorsqu'elle nage. Pl. 3. Page 105."

Hart Nautical
Plassan; Lac̩p̬de, Bernard Germain de; S̬ve, Jacques de; Bigant, Jean-Baptiste; Devisse, Jean-Baptiste; Haussard, Catherine
ink; paper; mounted
10 in x 7 3/4 in
France: Paris