
Uncolored engraving, labeled "Vol. II. pag 392.", showing scenes from "Groenland" (Greenland). At top, labeled "Savages of Groenland", a man, woman, and child, carrying spears and dressed in furs. Below, at left a man in a kayak holding a spear in one hand and an oar in the other, captioned "A Savage fishing in his boate", and at right, a kayak tipped on its side on the land, labeled "A little Groenland boate". Below, a doubly spouting narwhal, labeled "The fish the Islanders call Narwall, which has the horn, or tooth call'd the Unicorns horn"; at bottom, three views of the Narwhal skull, and its horn, labeled "The head of the fish Narwall, with a piece of the tooth or horn, four foot long."

Hart Nautical
Greenland, P.
ink; laid paper
13 1/2 in x 8 in