
A port-side view of the four-masted iron steamship 'City of Peking' with two smokestacks off Sandy Hook. US flags fly from her stern. The pilot schooner #18 ('Enchantress') and yacht 'Magic' are to the right of the stern of steamship. 'City of Peking' was built for the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, and she primarily serviced the route from San Francisco to Yokohama, Japan and Hong Kong. At the time of her construction, she and her sister ship, 'City of Tokio' (or 'City of Tokyo'), were the largest vessels ever built in the US.

In the lower wide margin, there is a list of the Company��s fleet including the name, class of ship, tonnage, and the passenger, freight, and coal capacities.

ship portraits
Hart Nautical
Homer, Lee & Co.
ink; paper
20 1/4 in x 26 3/4 in
USA: New York