
Monochrome celestial chart depicting the constellations Arues, Ala Pegasi, part of Orion, and Cetus. Constellations are represented as figures, with only a few key stars on each marked with asterisks. A comet is drawn above Cetus' mouth and labeled "Cometa". Underneath the chart is printed a table of observational data. The ink on this table is slightly smudged in a uniform fashion, as if the plate was moved while pressend to the paper. Text on the chart itself reads, "Hiberni tamen in dubio haerent numne diversi erant Cometae, putant tamen observatores praesentium fuisse duos diversos Cometas."

Hart Nautical
Lubienietzki, Stanislaus
ink; paper; mounting
9 1/4 in x 8 in
Netherlands: Amsterdam