
Monochrome engraving of Neptune, with trident, in mid-chase of a young woman whose drapery slips from her body as she runs. She has a frightened expression. Behind Neptune are animals with the foreparts of horses and sea serpents' tails, as well as two wranglers. Below the image is the artist attribution, and the following caption: " Coronis fille de Coron̩e Roy de la Phocide, estant poursuivie d'Amour par Neptune et preste a tomber soubs sa puissance, fut par la faveur de la Palas chang̩e en Corneille, et ainsy sauva sa Virginit̩." At bottom left on the scene itself, a faint artist mark, F superimposed with C and a number, probably 10. There is a watermark on the paper.

Hart Nautical
Van Merlen, I.
ink; paper
7 1/4 in x 10 1/2 in