
Uncolored engraved sheet, page number 29, with a whaling scene (men in whaleboats hunting spouting whales; ships in background) presided over by an angel bearing a banner at top; on the banner is written "SINE HIS NIHIL". Below the whaling scene is the following text:
I'm sent the Genius [i.e. presiding spirit] of the British Isle,
Your long bewild'red Thoughts to Unbeguile;-
Enrich your Selves, may Britain smile in Peace,
Your proper Business is your Trades Inscrease;
The Sea's your native Strength, Fish is yr Wealth,
In other Projects you Amuse your Self.
Imploy your Poor in Fishing up that Oar.
To fill your Checquer, and secure your Shoar.
Herrings, & Whales, the MINE is given you,
Search them they are your happier PERU.
In wooden Walls reign Monarchs of the Seas,
And sketch Commerce, & Conquest as you please.
N. Dove Scri[p?v?]"
Below is given the year and the engraver's initials, G.B.

Hart Nautical
G. B.
ink; laid paper
14 3/4 in x 9 in