
A copperplate engraving from the book titled, 'Plan de plusieurs b̢timens de mer avec leurs proportions dedi̩ �� Son Altesse Serenissime Monseigneur Louis Auguste de Bourbon' (Marseille: c. 1720) by the French Captain Henri Sbonski de Passebon. The book was a collection of naval architecture prints. The print depicts a felucca (right) with perhaps pirates aboard giving chase to a Genoese brigantine (left) immediately off a rocky shore. On both vessels, there is a sense of urgency; a Genoese man stretches his arms in fear or exasperation to row faster and men visibly strain to pull back their oars in an effort to catch the brigantine. Men aim with rifles and on the felucca the man at the head of the ship wields a sabre. Smoke billows from the shore in the background.

vessel depictions
Hart Nautical
Randon; Sbonski de Passebon, Henri
ink; laid paper; cloth
17 1/2 in x 22 in
France: Marseille